Quadruple Champion
Bamboo Carmela Swirl
Sire: IAW RW TGC King Cobra of Bamboo  Dam: Bamboo Golden Charm
        Carmela is a Seal Mink marbled tabby (aka Mink Snow marble). She is glittered, double pelted, with rosetted markings. Very clear coat with beautiful seal mink outlined pattern with butterscotch centers. She has a very wild face, aqua eyes, small rounded ears, thick tail and large wisker pads. She has exceptional contrast with an ivory clear background and a whited belly. We are expecting her to also do exceptionally well at the shows, just like her dad. Carmela Quadruple Champions in only two shows!! Carmela is also very sweet and affectionate. Carmela is pictured at 5 months of age.

Pedigree for QCH Bamboo Carmela Swirl 15.53%(SBT 090999 035)

                      +--- Gogees Hurricane Force of Vashti 10.16%(COT 082290 013)
                 +--- QGRC Nola Lamborghini of JoyKatz 10.55%(SBT072791007)
                 |    +--- Gogees Kimba Lee of Nola 10.94%(COT091290005)
            +--- Joycatz Rolls Royce of Forestrun 10.75%(SBT 111192 015)
            |    |    +--- Gogees Roar O Raja of Belltown 9.38%(BOT032789022)
            |    +--- Wildwood Whata Mercedes of Joykatz 10.94%(COT 012191 007)
            |         +--- Gogees Nite Spot 12.5%(BOT 020389 007)
       +--- RW SGRC Forestrun Molicing of Uniquely/Bamboo 13.00%(SBT 082794 008)
       |    |         +--- Gogees Simba of Catoninetails 12.5%(BOT 030788 010)
       |    |    +--- Catoninetail Wild Thing 9.38%(BOT 092790 016)
       |    |    |    +--- Catoninetail Neato 6.25%(AOT 010889 008)
       |    +--- Windstorm Dazzle 15.24%(COT 080191 029)
       |         |    +--- Millwood Haji Baba 18.75%(O3T 0512889 012B)
       |         +--- Windstorm Glitter Gem Kimba 21.10%(SBT 100889 004)
       |              +--- Teamen Sabu of Windstorm 23.44%(C3T 050488 002)
  +--- TGRC CH King Cobra of Bamboo 14.43%(SBT 040598 033)
  |    |              +--- Flyingwfarms Willie Wild 18.75%(SBT 041891 013)
  |    |         +--- Nola Magic Marker of Kingsmark 14.65%(SBT 022194 019)
  |    |         |    +--- Nola Flash Dancer 10.55%(SBT 072791 022)
  |    |    +--- Acme Jubilee of Bountiful 14.90%(SBT 021596 019)
  |    |    |    |    +--- Eldorado Martin Sheen of Starbengal 12.12%(COT 031193 014)
  |    |    |    +--- Starbengal Katy 15.15%(NO-RECORD)
  |    |    |         +--- Starbengal Zhenat Vakil of Alipbay 18.17%(SBT 100892 017)
  |    +--- Bountiful Kiska 15.86%(SBT 021897 008)
  |         |         +--- Millwood Rave Review 21.88%(O3T063087002)
  |         |    +--- QGRC Bengalrun Bogart of Starbengal 18.76%(SBT 120290 007)
  |         |         +--- Lionsmountain Balaika of Bengalrun 15.63%(C3T 031489 004)
  |         +--- Madame Butterfly 16.81%(SBT 031394 017)
  |              |    +--- Echowood Cheetah 17.19%(COT 102990 014)
  |              +--- Cheetahtu Rosewood Tiramisu 14.85%(SBT 092292 022)
  |                   +--- Nefertelli Clouded Leopard 12.5%(COT 030591 002)
 QCH Bamboo Carmela Swirl 15.53%(SBT 090999 035)
  |                   +--- Millwood Rave Review 21.88%(O3T063087002)
  |              +--- Millwood Showbiz 23.44%(C3T080688012)
  |              |    +--- Millwood Sun Dapple 25%(B2T051886014)
  |         +--- Nefertelli Firestone of Gogees 17.19%(COT 012790 003)
  |         |         +--- Millwood Trademark 12.5%(AOT052784015)
  |         |    +--- Bengaline Athena 9.38%(B2T051388007)
  |         |         +--- Millwood Sheba of Bengaline 6.25%(A3T 022887 005)
  |    +--- The Juice of Bamboo 16.81%(SBT 092095 003)
  |    |    |         +--- Oakview Cheech of Gogees 10.94%(BOT 030590 007)
  |    |    |    +--- I've Been Spotted 15.66%(COT091191014)
  |    |    |    |    +--- Glamourcats Bet Za Be 20.37%(SBT080290009)
  |    |    +--- Glamourcats Rose Medallion of Bamboo 16.43%(SBT 102592 004)
  |    |         |    +--- Millwood Rave Review 21.88%(O3T063087002)
  |    |         +--- Millwood Golden Sheena 17.19%(SBT 092889 001)
  |    |              +--- Millwood Cheetah 12.5%(B3T 061887 011)
  +--- Bamboo Golden Charm 16.62%(SBT 102097031)
       |              +--- Gogees Warhawk 12.5%(BOT030788007)
       |         +--- Oakview Cheech of Gogees 10.94%(BOT 030590 007)
       |         |    +--- Gogees Whistlin Dixie 9.38%(AOT 102588 003)
       |    +--- I've Been Spotted 15.66%(COT091191014)
       |    |    |    +--- Millwood Rave Review 21.88%(O3T063087002)
       |    |    +--- Glamourcats Bet Za Be 20.37%(SBT080290009)
       |    |         +--- Snowbear Chinese Checker 19.53%(C3T 062089 014)
       +--- Glamourcats Rose Medallion of Bamboo 16.43%(SBT 102592 004)
            |         +--- Millwood Aries 18.75%(B2T 051886 010)
            |    +--- Millwood Rave Review 21.88%(O3T063087002)
            |    |    +--- Millwood Treasure Chest 25%(B2T 040186 013)
            +--- Millwood Golden Sheena 17.19%(SBT 092889 001)
                 |    +--- Millwood Aries 18.75%(B2T 051886 010)
                 +--- Millwood Cheetah 12.5%(B3T 061887 011)
                      +--- Millwood Spotland Yard 6.25%(A3T 081586 010)





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