Bamboo King TuroK F3
Sire: QGC Forestrun Hocus Pocus of Bamboo SBT
Dam: Uniquely Just A Peach of Bamboo F2

    As you can see he is very clear golden coated, rosetted, with whited belly and face markings, thick tail, spotting down his legs, and small oceli rounded ears.  He is so nice and sweet. We are keeping him in hopes that he is fertile and can add him to our breeding program this year. Pictured at 5 months old.


Pedigree for Bamboo King Turok 26.77% (COP 072099 054)
                      +--- SGRC Gogees Intrepid of Movados 15.63%(SBT070790005)
                 +--- Movados Rock N Roll of Forestrun 16.41%(SBT012092016)
                 |    +--- Nefertelli Firebrand of Movados 17.19%(C3T012790005)
            +--- CH Amzirak Arcong of Forestrun 19.93%(SBT070493014)
            |    |    +--- Millwood Sabu of Bradot 21.88%(C3T031488005)
            |    +--- Bradot Sheba 22.66%(SBT062990020)
            |         +--- Millwood Indira of Bradot 23.44%(C3T080688001)
       +--- CH Forestrun Congo 17.98%(SBT061294032)
       |    |         +--- Bradot Kimba of Uniquely 22.66%(SBT011090009)
       |    |    +--- Uniquely Kaleidoscope of Movados 21.10%(SBT011090009)
       |    |    |    +--- Snowbear Rasha of Spoto Luck 19.53%(COT042290004)
       |    +--- Movados China Rose of Forestrun 16.02%(SBT042893041)
       |         |    +--- Gogees Roar O Raja of Belltown 9.38%(BOT032789022)
       |         +--- Movados Kenya 10.94%(COT091290005)
       |              +--- Gogees Kimba of Nola 12.5%(BOT072389015)
  +--- QGRC Forestrun Hocus Pocus of BAMBOO 15.93%(SBT031295002)
  |    |              +--- Gogees Roar O Raja of Belltown 9.38%(BOT032789022)
  |    |         +--- Gogees Hurricane Force of Vashti 10.16%(COT 082290 013)
  |    |         |    +--- Gogees Etouffee 10.94%(BOT 101189 001)
  |    |    +--- QGRC Nola Lamborghini of JoyKatz 10.55%(SBT072791007)
  |    |    |    |    +--- Gogees Roar O Raja of Belltown 9.38%(BOT032789022)
  |    |    |    +--- Gogees Kimba Lee of Nola 10.94%(COT091290005)
  |    |    |         +--- Gogees Kimba of Nola 12.5%(BOT072389015)
  |    +--- Forestrun Malachi 13.87%(SBT032494028)
  |         |         +--- Millwood Rajun Cajun 18.75%(COT041587012)
  |         |    +--- SGRC Gogees Intrepid of Movados 15.63%(SBT070790005)
  |         |         +--- Gogees Jungle Aura 12.5%(COT071189023)
  |         +--- Movados Kenya of Forestrun 17.19%(SBT030892015)
  |              |    +--- Millwood Simba 18.75%(COT041387012)
  |              +--- Millwood Delyla of Movados 18.75%(C3T032789015)
  |                   +--- Millwood Coin Drop 18.75%(B2T060987002)
 Bamboo King Turok 26.77%(COP 072099 054)
  |                   +--- SGRC Gogees Intrepid of Movados 15.63%(SBT070790005)
  |              +--- Movados Rock N Roll of Forestrun 16.41%(SBT012092016)
  |              |    +--- Nefertelli Firebrand of Movados 17.19%(C3T012790005)
  |         +--- CH Forestrun Amzirak Arcong of Forestrun 19.54%(SBT 070493 014)
  |         |         +--- Millwood Sabu of Bradot 21.88%(C3T031488005)
  |         |    +--- Bradot Sheba 22.66%(SBT062990020)
  |         |         +--- Millwood Indira of Bradot 23.44%(C3T080688001)
  |    +--- CH Forestrun Bankonit of Uniquely 15.23%(SBT 082794 008)
  |    |    |         +--- Gogees Warhawk 12.5%(BOT030788007)
  |    |    |    +--- Gogees Roar O Raja of Belltown 9.38%(BOT032789022)
  |    |    |    |    +--- Millwood Bitta Cookie of Gogees 6.25%(A3T081586008)
  |    |    +--- Movados Kenya 10.94%(COT091290005)
  |    |         |    +--- Millwood Rajun Cajun 18.75%(COT041587012)
  |    |         +--- Gogees Kimba of Nola 12.5%(BOT072389015)
  |    |              +--- Millwood Cajun Queen 6.25%(A3T022887010)
  +--- Uniquely Just A Peach of Bamboo 37.60%(B3T 020997 010)
       |              +---
       |         +--- Asian Leopard Cat 100%(NON-REG)
       |         |    +---
       |    +--- Wild Huntsman of Spotoluck 100%(O1T 032293 019)
       |    |    |    +---
       |    |    +--- Asian Leopard Cat 100%(NON-REG)
       |    |         +---
       +--- Spotoluck Nutmegnspice of Uniquely 59.96%(A2T 111194 011)
            |         +--- Millwood Destiny 12.5%(A2T 122783 006)
            |    +--- Millwood Kings Ransom 18.75%(BOT051388018)
            |    |    +--- Millwood Torchbearer 25%(B2T 040186 012)
            +--- Snowbear Rasha of Spoto Luck 19.53%(COT042290004)
                 |    +--- Millwood Art Nouveau 18.75%(B3T 060187 026)
                 +--- Millwood Painted Lady 20.32%(COT061988011)
                      +--- Millwood Painted Desert 21.88%(C3T 082987 001)


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