FLASH!!! Princess receives Best Color and Best Division in all 10 rings at her first TICA Show as a kitten.

FLASH!!! Princess receives 5 Winner Ribbons in all 5 rings on the first day of her first adult ACFA Show, earning a Champion title.

FLASH!!! Ch.Princess receives 5 Winner Ribbons in all 5 rings on the second day of her first adult ACFA Show, earning a DoubleChampion title.

Double Champion
99-2000 Leading Inter-American and Regional
Best SLP Adult Bengal
Bamboo Snow Princess SBT
Sire: Bamboo King Samson  Dam: Catshacks Bad Bonnie of Bamboo

        Princess is a Seal Lynx Point Snow Leopard, with silver glitter, pelting, rosettes,  small rounded ears, great body and head type. She has great contrast beautiful pattern and super sweet personality. We are very excitted about adding her to our Snow breeding program.

Pedigree for DCh Bamboo Snow Princess 18.04% (SBT 041499 004)
                      +--- Millwood Rave Review 21.88%(O3T063087002)
                 +--- Millwood Showbiz 23.44%(C3T080688012)
                 |    +--- Millwood Sun Dapple 25%(B2T051886014)
            +--- Nefertelli Firestone of Gogees 17.19%(COT 012790 003)
            |    |    +--- Millwood Trademark 12.5%(AOT052784015)
            |    +--- Bengaline Athena 9.38%(B2T051388007)
            |         +--- Millwood Sheba of Bengaline 6.25%(A3T 022887 005)
       +--- The Juice of Bamboo 16.81%(SBT 092095 003)
       |    |         +--- Oakview Cheech of Gogees 10.94%(BOT 030590 007)
       |    |    +--- I've Been Spotted 15.66%(COT091191014)
       |    |    |    +--- Glamourcats Bet Za Be 20.37%(SBT080290009)
       |    +--- Glamourcats Rose Medallion of Bamboo 16.43%(SBT 102592 004)
       |         |    +--- Millwood Rave Review 21.88%(O3T063087002)
       |         +--- Millwood Golden Sheena 17.19%(SBT 092889 001)
       |              +--- Millwood Cheetah 12.5%(B3T 061887 011)
  +--- Bamboo King Samson 16.62%(SBT 102097 030)
  |    |              +--- Gogees Warhawk 12.5%(BOT030788007)
  |    |         +--- Oakview Cheech of Gogees 10.94%(BOT 030590 007)
  |    |         |    +--- Gogees Whistlin Dixie 9.38%(AOT 102588 003)
  |    |    +--- I've Been Spotted 15.66%(COT091191014)
  |    |    |    |    +--- Millwood Rave Review 21.88%(O3T063087002)
  |    |    |    +--- Glamourcats Bet Za Be 20.37%(SBT080290009)
  |    |    |         +--- Snowbear Chinese Checker 19.53%(C3T 062089 014)
  |    +--- Glamourcats Rose Medallion of Bamboo 16.43%(SBT 102592 004)
  |         |         +--- Millwood Aries 18.75%(B2T 051886 010)
  |         |    +--- Millwood Rave Review 21.88%(O3T063087002)
  |         |         +--- Millwood Treasure Chest 25%(B2T 040186 013)
  |         +--- Millwood Golden Sheena 17.19%(SBT 092889 001)
  |              |    +--- Millwood Aries 18.75%(B2T 051886 010)
  |              +--- Millwood Cheetah 12.5%(B3T 061887 011)
  |                   +--- Millwood Spotland Yard 6.25%(A3T 081586 010)
 DCh Bamboo Snow Princess 18.04%(SBT 041499 004)
  |                   +--- SGRC Huntersmoon Talismen 24.61%(SBT050791005)
  |              +--- Belltown Goldrush of Mayapple 17.78%(SBT080892014)
  |              |    +--- Belltown Apache Tear 10.94%(COT040691020)
  |         +--- Mayapple Sonic Boom 20.03%(SBT082193013)
  |         |         +--- Millwood Showbiz 23.44%(C3T080688012)
  |         |    +--- Millwood Singular Sensation 22.27%(SBT 081290 006)
  |         |         +--- Snowbear Cloud Nine of Millwood 19.53%(C3T 062089 006)
  |    +--- Hisumi Sasuke of Uniquely 19.25%(SBT 091695013)
  |    |    |         +--- Movados Gizmo 20.53%(SBT 102490 009)
  |    |    |    +--- CH Desertrose Malachis Joab 18.08%(SBT 071692 023)
  |    |    |    |    +--- Lionsmountain Bali Rose 15.63%(C3T 031489 017)
  |    |    +--- Cheetaden's Snow Princess 18.47%(SBT080794009)
  |    |         |    +--- Belltown Flashback 17.78%(SBT080892015)
  |    |         +--- Millwood Miss Purr of Cheetahden 18.66%(SBT 071093 014)
  |    |              +--- Snowbear Cloud Nine of Millwood 19.53%(C3T 062089 006)
  +--- Catshack's Bad Bonnie of Bamboo 19.46%(SBT 081596 018)
       |              +--- Movados Gizmo 20.53%(SBT 102490 009)
       |         +--- CH Entelechy Bonzer 19.84%(SBT 010492009)
       |         |    +--- Movados Lulu 19.15%(SBT 031591 010)
       |    +--- Entelechy Sluggo 19.5%(SBT050793034)
       |    |    |    +--- Millwood Masterpiece 21.88%(C3T 101689 016)
       |    |    +--- Movados Lulu 19.15%(SBT 031591 010)
       |    |         +--- Rockettes Bronze Edition of Movados 16.41%(COT 091189 009)
       +--- Entelechy Georgia Girl 19.67%(SBT122694016)
            |         +--- Movados Gizmo 20.53%(SBT 102490 009)
            |    +--- CH Entelechy Bonzer 19.84%(SBT 010492009)
            |    |    +--- Movados Lulu 19.15%(SBT 031591 010)
            +--- Entelechy Kaitlin 19.84%(SBT122092021)
                 |    +--- Movados Gizmo 20.53%(SBT 102490 009)
                 +--- Chloe of Windstorm 19.84%(SBT010492011)
                      +--- Movados Lulu 19.15%(SBT 031591 010)


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